
Showing posts from January, 2024

The problem of the DeWine veto

I recently wrote about how Daniel Horowitz discusses Florida on his podcasts, "There’s a reason Republicans are obsessed with owning the libs in meaningless skirmishes in blue states while ignoring what they can actually accomplish in red states: they elevate symbolism over substance, outcomes, and results." He goes onto say: that Florida is the one state actually holding vaccine makers accountable, as well as accomplishing other things. By the way, to keep Florida the great way it is long term, his Florida chapter is here: / I encourage everyone to sign up. I think it is certainly possible to make the southeast more like Florida, with West Virginia, perhaps Ohio, Indiana, Idaho, and Oklahoma being the scattered areas in which we can fortify those states The southeast is also a personal interest, being that I am glad my family and I moved out of Virginia in 2022 for many reasons. Sadly, as many know, many red states have RINO Governors, RINO legisl

Hope and vision amidst nonsense

I've been writing lately about Daniel Horowitz and other folks that I have connected with/become aware of. As time goes on, I will write more about the state levels since this is important. 2024 and the federal races are important. But we must always maintain a state and local level focus as a movement. I am glad to connect with so many people. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed weekend!

Indiana and what comes next.

 Overview: Recently, Trump-endorsed Mike DeWine was in the news as vetoing good conservative legislation. Remember, this is the same guy that in 2020 going into 2021, told families of all ages not to gather in separate households, and wanted misdemeanor charges for people who violated his "COVID curfews". While DeWine is term limited in 2026, there is something going on in Indiana that you all deserve to know about. RINO Governor Eric Holcomb is term limited this year. This is the same guy that worked with Gretchen Whitmer and DeWine on cringe videos during 2020 into 2021. Of course, you also have the dangers of Chicago and Illinois to the West. This is why, in this year of 2024, it is crucial to replace Holcomb with a true conservative. In 2022, Holcomb vetoed HEA 1041, good legislation that protected girls sports. Fortunately, the General Assembly convened and overrode the veto in a similar way to what the Ohio General Assembly will do to the DeWine veto. Holcomb also cause