A young Constitutional Conservative Republican's journey to the present day

It has been a dream of mine to see a State recognize the full God-given potential of each person. Before I get into the rest of this blog today, I want to first thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you all of you for your kindness, I will love you all forever. Thank you, First Lady Casey DeSantis, for your heart Quote of my post on May 1st, of my April 30th video where I shared my journey of being on the Autism Spectrum. I am still in awe of all this, and I plan to continue sharing my journey for sure. I also have a special feeling in my heart about all this too. I appreciate and love my family, my friends and everyone who I have connected with on so many levels. I am forever grateful to you all for the rest of my life. Our United States Declaration of Independence states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." (Declaration of Independence, 1776.)

Our US Constitution states: "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." The GOP, as a political party, in line with advocating for our Constitutional rights, has traditionally stated: "Initially united in 1854 by the promise to abolish slavery, the Republican Party has always stood for freedom, prosperity, and opportunity. Today, as those principles come under attack from the far left, we are engaged in a national effort to fight for our proven agenda, take our message to every American, grow the party, promote election integrity, and elect Republicans up and down the ballot. The principles of the Republican Party recognize the God-given liberties while promoting opportunity for every American." This is what the GOP, on it's founding and on the premise, is always to stand for, by virtue of the voters electing public office holders up and down the ballot that the fulfill the two-fold mission of recognizing and adhering to the Constitution under the auspices of their official office, in addition to their respective political capacity.

Speaking of my journey here, I am not wanting to use what I have as a crutch, it is just simply something I have and as I said in the video, I wouldn't change it for the world. That's because I feel like over the years I have really, through the help and inspiration of many, come to accept having it. Recently I felt like the acceptance has been given a positive boost too. I mean, on the one hand, I don't go up to people and introduce myself and say that I have it. On the contrary I find myself sharing it when needed, or as part of speaking out, not because of embarrassment but because it is something I am just not embarrassed about. It should be noted, I am not criticizing nor judging folks on the spectrum who may disclose right away in situations that I may or may not, no judgement there, I totally understand. That's what things should be about too, understanding! Just like for some, maybe a more rural area might work, and nothing is wrong with that either, but for me, an area with more to do will be better for me. One thing that I have is that in my heart and mind enjoy and have a special feeling when talking with family and friends (about anything, not just being on the spectrum). On March 20th, Governor Ron DeSantis posted on X: "How often do we see programs that actually get people off public assistance and on a pathway to self-sufficiency? Great job!" (Governor Ron DeSantis, March 2024). This was in reference to First Lady Casey DeSantis posting that Hope Florida had helped over 20,000 Floridians transition off public assistance. You see, this to me is why I like Florida and wholeheartedly believe it is a role model for many other states as Daniel Horowitz says. Furthermore, we know based on the premise our America's founding, that the beautiful Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Of Happiness should not be hollow words which are distant memories, but rather are full and concrete ways in which we all should, at least, be able to have everywhere.

For today's post, I simply want to recognize that I first am happy to be here. I am happy because despite a lot of nonsense in this world with current events (I don't need to tell you, we all see it for what it is), let me just say we can all use good too, including recognizing the good. That's not to say that there is bad, or we shouldn't recognize inherent dangers and act on them in a prudent way, for example, weather, civil unrest, the federal government debt. Rather, there is a way to go about addressing these things even if the federal government politicians and some states unfortunately do not effectively govern all citizens as it relates to policy and or lack of. I was born in Virginia, raised by my loving parents, and got to grow up with a fantastic brother. I am forever thankful for that time, both the challenges, but especially the great memories. Today, we live in Tennessee, and we are making our respective chapter changes to the Midwest as announced, specifically, I will be moving to Indiana to become a permanent Hoosier! It's my home no matter what. Thanks to a near and dear friend of mine, Ayden Marietta and also Representative Thomas Massie for being instrumental this winter in their love and support for me becoming to the Midwest, including visiting Kentucky. All has a way of working out as I always say. Easy decision to come to IN, it will be my permanent home soon, since my brother Jay and our parents are also headed to the Midwest region. My Mother's home state is Ohio. God’s will shall be done as I’m in service to him and the US Constitution for the rest of my life.
I have older parents, but they are still awesome, for context as far as a little more about me, I became more into politics in 2016 after my father, a veteran, had several strokes. While he recovered from it about a week later and was discharged, it was not always easy seeing him go through that. I did get the help I needed to talk through seeing him go through it. After all, when I was little, my father flat-lined for 30 seconds. My father was in the Air Force and worked on the SR-71 blackbird planes in the Vietnam War, as well as the AC-130 planes side looking radar!! He was exposed to agent orange and hence the medical incidents. I have seen these planes up close at museums and it is a sight to see, that's for sure. Long after he served for four years in the Air Force, my father fought for my rights in public schools after serving our country in the Air Force. He continues inspires me to give to others and help them no matter what. His strong work ethic in the civilian workforce inspires me to not give up either. He also inspires me to accept feedback not only from him and the rest of my family but from my friends as well, which I highly appreciate. That is why he said to finish strong with my online BA in Communications this year, after finishing the AA in Criminal Justice in 2022. I had to do all that under the Ralph Northam lock downs, somehow, I got through all that too. There was a sense of accomplishment in getting through that time, and things have evolved since then. After all, things weren't even easy for me after high school either, more on that in depth at another time.

My commentary on my earlier experience in public school is not to paint all teachers, schools, and areas with a broad brush. There are great teachers, staff, and schools across the country, and you all are awesome, loved, and appreciated for all you do! This commentary is about how I had some issues with the public schools not treating me right simply because of being on the autism spectrum. We weren't looking for special privileges or trying to make any false equivocations on why I needed things. I have ADHD also and so it was hard with the bullying and staying focused with these and other things. My parents involved me in little league baseball, swimming, as well as taking part in a local roller-skating rink to help boost my confidence from a very young age. These are great memories and the neighborhood I grew up in was "the place to be" so to speak. A lot changed there but it was a great place and I learned so much from that wonderful chapter despite some of the challenges I faced. I feel it is important to share that I was not always treated right. I say this not to look back in negativity but to stay positive in what can be accomplished. You see, some of the school professionals never wanted me to graduate, and some said I would never drive, never go to college, never be "functional." I was also cursed out by a bully, and when I stood up for a peer against another bully in the lunchroom, I was told later in the vice-principal’s office "your behavior is becoming a big problem." Yet the second bully was snapping pencils and throwing them, yet I was the "problem"? When I was subsequently brought into the office, I was screamed at by another staff member, "it's abnormal kids like you with autism that cause the problems in this school, we would be better off without you going to school here anymore." This happened a few times when I was bullied where I would try to stand up for myself but was told I was the "issue". This happened in middle school too where I was kicked out of class. Other students were allowed to make a joke but when I tried to get in on it, I was told I was "being disruptive." Keep in mind throughout all this, as I mentioned above, I had activities to do as encouraged by my parents. I enjoyed baseball and roller skating; I had started those before the trouble with the school and kept with it too. When I started roller skating, it took a year to really get going but I stuck with it. So, I knew in my heart that what the naysayers were saying was wrong, but it was a lot to go through at that age. Conversely, I also reflect so positively about my time and that era. An era of it's own special right, politically and otherwise.

Some of the things that happened deeply hurt at the time, especially since they said things to me at the time that shouldn't have ever been said to me when I was simultaneously treated second class. I remember sobbing my heart out in my bedroom because I was told in these cruel and hurtful things like what I was told, and long story short, my father ended up having to get an attorney with the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy involved for this and other reasons. (They are called something different now). Long story short, the best thing for me was that I ended up going to private school because of all this and I am not ashamed or embarrassed about this. I couldn't see it at the time, but later and especially now I know why I went through all that and I don't look badly on it, because in a broader sense I see the inflection point of our country today as the debt and governmental dysfunction in places sadly hampers everyone's true potential, it is not right, it is so wrong. So, in different ways, I just want to see things better for people no matter what! I struggled for a little after High School graduation academically, so I am just happy to get to the point where I am at now. I also advocated for people during my time in Virginia and shared my story there as part of advocacy, I appreciate those opportunities to do so. It was nice growing up near Richmond VA, getting to take part in many things in Richmond and Washington DC on my own time with my family as well as part of all of advocating for others. Then, now and into the future, I just want to make sure people anywhere, on the spectrum or not, don't have to go through what I did. Digressing to the moments in public school, instead of helping me work on the things that needed to be worked on, the naysayers in that public school flat out refused to help me. The good staff members/teachers had no authority, so they couldn't do anything even if they wanted to and did speak up for me when I went through what I did in elementary school. Likewise, it is imperative to be factually and intellectually honest about the fact that unfortunately some "leaders" of states and the federal government do not champion each person reaching their full potential.

It is highly imperative, in line with our Constitutional Rights and specially all of our foundational principles, to treat people with the levels of support they need and be kind, compassionate and understanding no matter what levels of support people need. That is why, at the Els Center for Excellence, Governor DeSantis mentioned the Focus on Florida’s Future Budget which provides support and discussed the live healthy legislation and policies. (Office of Governor, April 2024). Here, we see a State rightly funding things for the God-given dignity of everyone and I couldn't be happier to see this. The state agencies do a great job with the process of obtaining services for people and this too is another important point. Here is the link so you can read on what is accomplished, it is so awesome to see!


Speaking now for social media, I use it because I want to share my passion for how successful government policy (Florida) can and does work, among the many other things I do. I am excited about my own journey and ideas; however, I find it important, and it gives me a special feeling to share and promote others too no matter what states/areas they live in, and no matter their journey. I also find the value of community important, both online and offline. I feel it's important we build it up, even when some of the dysfunction of society discourages that. Social isolation to anyone is detrimental to their well being and dignity, especially as it relates to what we went through during the 2020 closures. This is why no matter what, I'm going to stay true to my family and friends no matter what naysayers online or offline say/do. The federal debt, and many elected officials not doing what Florida is doing is the problem. After all, in San Francisco, people are cold and alone on the streets in tents, when they need to be helped off the streets. How "compassionate" is it to leave people in need out there on the streets? For a place supposedly so "progressive," the State and some local "leadership" sure couldn't possibly care any less.

Going back to Florida, to hear a state say let alone act on the things they are doing is a long-awaited dream of mine come true. To hear the elected officials, First Lady DeSantis, appointees, and state employees advocate for all people, with and without disabilities, resonates so profoundly with me after my own journey. As I said in my recent video, I see so much compassion going on in all of this. No one is looked down upon for needing more levels of support, in fact, Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities set the role model for how to do this in a way that promotes the God-given dignity of each person. I highly encourage all states and the federal government to follow what they are doing, because it is absolutely something needed everywhere. Also, credit is rightly due when good things happen anywhere, so I am happy about that too. However, I feel that there needs to be more conversations about Florida. I feel so happy and at peace in sharing my journey, because I get to do it in a way that at the time I thought would be nearly impossible. Nothing is impossible without hope, which is why First Lady Casey DeSantis promoting Hope Florida means so much for me to see. It means so much to see people be able to be loved and appreciated in so many ways that words cannot describe. This is why, as someone who, and I am not ashamed to say it, needs more natural support at this moment in life, I will be honest, I would not have admitted this in my past, but I find no shame in it now. One anecdotal note, it was hard for me to make friends growing up, but now I am happy with friends for many reasons and that is important to me, including giving of myself to others because it fills me with incredible peace and joy.

I will close with this. Never, ever give up, and never let anyone tell you what you "can't" do. Be there for others too no matter what. Listen to the people who say what you can do, even if it is a long road and/or take many steps to get there. The world has a lot of problems right now. Yet even amidst the chaos and dangers that are going on, so too is there still so much good and peace everywhere. Likewise, being self-sufficient on on the road to my permanent soon to be home state of Indiana enables me to help my family and all friends long into the future instead of being restricted on my ability to give back to others, not to mention, just soak in the joy of others that I care about. This means so much to me as well, because I just have a special feeling about faith, family, friends, politics, and governmental policies as it relates to it functioning in the conservative limited government way that is supposed to serve others in line with what our founding fathers envisioned. Personally, to be loved but importantly to reciprocate and have the ability and freedom to give it to others means so much to me. I don't think the naysayers wanted me to get to this point, yet I did! I love seeing the full potential in each person, and I am 100 percent supportive of everyone's level of support no matter what. Courage, hope, fortitude, peace, joy, and perseverance is and will be the way for us all. Appreciate you all and I look forward to the rest of my life until my last moment and all the things everyone will accomplish!

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