How my friend Chris Nelson inspires many
Today, I write about an awesome friend and political connection of mine, Chris Nelson. For anyone not familiar with him, I am linking his X here, Chris is a fellow supporter of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Chris is a great friend to a fantastic mutual friend of ours, Ayden Marietta, whom did a guest post on my blog here:
Chris takes the time to support Ayden and I in our respective political
involvement and encourages us to stay involved in politics long term. He
sets the example for so many people in how to never back down from what
is right. Both Chris and Ayden inspired me to share that I am on the
autism spectrum, more on that in a moment.
Chris has shared some of his journey on his platforms including his YouTube channel I highly encourage you to watch his videos, they certainly are inspiring for me! Chris also shares his own journey where he admits the things he has worked on and/or is working on, and is not afraid to admit these things. Chris has my great respect and admiration for this, because it is not about "appearing perfect." On the contrary, Chris fantastically explains why that narrative or "competing" with others is not healthy.
As a DeSantis Republican, I am not embarrassed to say it, even though in my past I was, and that is that I myself am actually on the spectrum. Much of the left unfortunately and even some now in MAGA have tried to make people including me seem unable to live a fully independent life. Their words won’t change me. I look forward to continuing our wonderful movement always no matter what they say. Of course, I put the disclaimer out, not everyone on "MAGA" is out against me, I am talking mainly about the top influencers and the people who are using their platforms to bully others under the supposed guise of political conservatism. My own journey refutes their false narratives not only about me but about many in similar situations. I was told in school how I supposedly would never graduate college, never drive, never do many things. My parents were told things about me in preschool age that I would never "have a life" so to speak and that the best thing for me was to go away. They rightly rejected this nonsense. Not only do I drive and not only am I completing a second degree, a BA in Communications this summer, but I am proving the narrative wrong. It is not about me but about what we as movement can do in a similar way to defy the narrative about our movement as a whole. Don't look at what cannot be done, look at what can be done, and look at it in a positive way. Sure, it's ok to feel things sometimes, however, positivity is keenly important, and that is why Chris is a positive example.
This is also why despite the nonsense and inflection point of our country, I believe that these kind of friendships and connections that we make are absolutely a positive reflection of our greater movement. People are using their online platforms to build each are other up in terms of standing for truth, as Ron DeSantis, there is truth. This is why when both the far left and MAGA influencers simultaneously obfuscate from the facts and treat people the sad way they do, we are faced with a two front issue. It should be noted, there are a few people out there that we have had some good debates or even simple discussions with people on the left to show them the DeSantis way, and those conversations, despite how we might heavily disagree, go over well in terms of the conversation.
This brings me back to Chris and why I support him. He is telling people like it is. For example, he spoke on YouTube about character defects. Chris is absolutely spot on. For example, while we all have similarities, we also do/like different things, and his point is that is perfectly fine. You aren't giving up what is right if you prefer to do more on X than YouTube, for example. If you happen to be positively inspired to do similar things, that is fine too, so no worries if you are not exactly the same as someone else. Chris and I have both the same and different styles of running our respective X spaces- and that doesn't change our friendship nor what is being accomplished and sought. That being said, if there is something positive to follow, that is perfectly ok to.
Likewise, Chris prefers to do more YouTube where I mainly like posting on X as I grow that platform. Likewise, we all enjoy helping each other building our platforms and helping other friends and connections as they build theirs. After all, he is ReOpenChris News! What Chris does exemplifies the heart of what our movement is about. Chris also has a great way of speaking in spaces to many people, I have listened to his empathetic listening in which he engages with other speakers and is also able to "read the room" so to speak. The same passion you can see in his video livestreams and his interviews with people. Chris takes the time to do all this by bringing forward the facts followed by ways to take action online and offline in our political movement.. I can clearly see the positive passion and dedication that Chris brings to the movement.
This brings me to close this post with this. Never stop and give up what is right. Yes, there is a lot of nonsense going on. Yes, things will likely get worse now-November and likely into 2025. Things are starting to change in certain states, 2026 is a huge down ballot opportunity at the state levels including Florida! However, the political and other challenges does not mean impossible. Chris is one of the many examples of someone who sees all this for what it is, and understands how to move forward in a positive way. He is a special blessing to our movement long beyond 2024. I am inspired by the fact that the positivity of our movement is not
ending in this year in 2024. In fact it is just beginning,
especially in 2026 and 2028 cycles. It's a long road, but we will all get
there, and we are already there with how well our movement is
continuing. God Bless you all.