How Christina Pushaw inspires me to be a communicator

Christina Pushaw inspires me in my communications for many reasons. I am finishing an online BA in Communication this year, and I believe that her example is both a positive and professional one to look up to too. One of the most inspiring things that I find about her is that she has a way of wording things as she seeks to inspire and helps others. Considering both my professional communications, and even more casual and relaxed conversations or writings among friends, I am happy to work on myself where and when needed. This is not to be overly analytical, rather, just to see the simple joy in both professional and personal communications and in my own life simply improve when needed. This is why I also find the joy of being very at ease when I have casual conversations with family and friends, because Christina inspires people to see the joy in things too and I am all here for it. We really need more of this, to be honest. 

I have been impressed and inspired by how Christina uses the X platform to lookout for others, including animals. It is very inspiring because clearly, without a doubt, we all know and recognize the world has a lot of problems right now. Yet even amidst the chaos, dangers and threats that are going on, so too is there still so much good and peace everywhere. We can also bring that good and peace to others. Likewise, if we act even online, we can make things better for others. Christina is using the power of social media to make things better for others. When she is doing this, she has a way of also reassuring everyone as well. She also takes the time to explain what she is doing and why, for example, when calling out things, she makes it clear where she fantastically stands. She can stand up for people while simultaneously strongly and in a direct way, defending them from and against bullies. She sticks up for people especially when they need it most. We need more of this for so many reasons. Honestly, it would go a long way to addressing the problems. Likewise, I will continue to do this as well.

Many know my story, both in the video I shared about being on the autism spectrum, followed by my more recent post here where I shared more as a part 2 to that video. In this post, I shared more details about my story and why Hope Florida resonates with me for a role model for all over the country. My story of being on the autism spectrum. ( I shared in my video, and subsequently this post, I went through things, but now I see how I too can inspire and give back to others. This is why, as I said before, I do not want to use what I have as a crutch. However, I will admit, things are not always easy in some regards. For just one example, it can be somewhat hard for me to not be in the same area as all the fantastic people I know throughout the country, because I cannot put into words how thankful I am for everyone, and because I believe we all have special gifts to offer. Having admired and admiring Christina’s work, I continue to refine how I communicate. Christina has a way of her posts of explaining and following up on things, so I think this too is certainly a great example for me, including how I can share my journey in the right ways, as part of a greater love for politics and governmental operations. Of course, sadly, many state governments and the federal government are dysfunctional, it is unfortunate, and Christina calls that out too, and is always willing to find a solution if applicable.

One of the things Christina inspires me in, is how she talks about the good memories from her time in living in California. This inspires me to reflect positive both internally and externally on my social media about my time growing up in Virginia all the way to moving in 2022 to Tennessee, and although I am moving again, how I can communicate that in the right ways. Certainly, I can talk about the issues with both, including someone who is into governmental operations and politics, but also find joy in both as I prepare for the next chapter in my life. I think about growing up with my brother and our parents, we had a great chapter in Virginia, now this interim time in Tennessee and soon to be our next chapters, I am blessed with my family and many people that I know and am connected with in a variety of ways and levels, be it friends, acquaintances, followers. However we are connected, I appreciate everyone so much. I hope to meet Christina one day when I visit FL again.

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